Behind the Scenes

Announcing 217 Films’ New Documentary “Glorious Morning: A Revolution Revealed”
Connecticut-based independent filmmakers Michael Maglaras and Terri Templeton of 217 Films announce that their new film project will be a full-length documentary on the important

Michael Maglaras in Conversation with James Marcus at the Concord Free Public Library
Filmmaker Michael Maglaras in a lively and informative conversation with James Marcus, who has written “Glad to the Brink of Fear: A Portrait of Ralph

Michael Maglaras: Capturing the American Artistic Experience – Conversations from Penn State
Award-winning host, Patty Satalia, interviewed filmmaker Michael Maglaras on her WPSU PBS television series “Conversations from Penn State” about how he turned his passion for

Documentary film by Michael Maglaras explores the arts of the WPA
“A sentimental and stimulating essay in film, Michael Maglaras’ Enough to Live on: The Arts of the WPA pays homage to the unprecedented support for

Making Media Now podcast features filmmaker Michael Maglaras
For the first Making Media Now podcast episode of 2024, host Michael Azevedo interviewed filmmaker Michael Maglaras about his latest film “Ralph Waldo Emerson: Give All

Emerson film reviewed by The Collector
“An impassioned and endearing documentary about one of America’s greatest thinkers” – The Collector 217 Films’ new documentary “Ralph Waldo Emerson: Give All to Love”

Putting Emerson and Janáček Together
Music is used in film to help transition from scene to scene; to spark and then carry emotional intensity; to round out character and plot.

Filmmaker Michael Maglaras and writer James Marcus in conversation
On Thursday, June 22 the Concord Free Library will host filmmaker Michael Maglaras and writer James Marcus for an evening celebrating Ralph Waldo Emerson. In

The Geometry of the City of God
In my upcoming film “Ralph Waldo Emerson: Give All to Love” I try to make the case for Emerson’s fearlessness. For Emerson was in fact