Winston-Salem Screening of New Film on the Arts of America’s Gilded Age

Director’s Screening of America Rising: The Arts of the Gilded AgeDate: Thursday, December 14, 2017Time: 6:00pm Location: Reynolda House Museum of American Art, 2250 Reynolda Rd., Winston-Salem, North Carolina Tickets: $15 Purchase tickets at this link View clips from the film at this link America Rising: The Arts of the Gilded Age tells the story of the painting, […]
Shooting the New Film
We just concluded a day of shooting for the new film “America Rising: The Arts of the Gilded Age” in Lewiston, Maine. What a joy it was to be back again with our crew: Ramsey, Phil, Tom, Jayson, Lesley, and Andrea…and, of course, my executive producer, Terri, without whom nothing happens. Let’s be clear, no […]