Gloucester Daily Times: Marin and modernism on film
Marin and modernism on filmMarch 18, 2010Gail McCarthy A new film about the master of American modern art, John Marin (1870-1953), will have its Massachusetts premiere in Gloucester on Sunday at Cape Ann Community Cinema. “What we know about modern art, abstractionism, and the direction that art has gone since the 1950s, we know because […]
Massachusetts Premiere — John Marin: Let the Paint be Paint!
Don’t miss 217 Films‘ new documentary “John Marin: Let the Paint be Paint!” at the Cape Ann Community Cinema in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Filmmakers Michael Maglaras and Terri Templeton will introduce the film and take questions following the screening. WHAT: “John Marin: Let the Paint be Paint!“ 2009. Not rated. 110 minutes. WHEN: THIS Sunday, March […]
March 21: New John Marin film to make Massachusetts debut
For directions and additional information, visit this link. In December, 217 Films’ new documentary “John Marin: Let the Paint be Paint!” made its world premiere in two sold out shows at the Portland Museum of Art in Portland, Maine. On March 21, independent filmmakers Michael Maglaras and Terri Templeton will bring this film to the […]
Screening: March 21 — 2:00pm
Save the date! 217 Films’ new documentary John Marin: Let the Paint be Paint! will be shown at the Cape Ann Community Cinema in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Filmmakers Michael Maglaras and Terri Templeton will introduce the film and take questions following the screening. WHAT: John Marin: Let the Paint be Paint! 2009. Not rated. 110 minutes. […]
World Premiere Event
On Friday, December 11, 2009 217 Films’ new documentary John Marin: Let the Paint be Paint! was shown for the very first time to a sold out house at the Portland Museum of Art in Portland, Maine. The encore screening on December 12 was also sold out. Museum director Mark Bessire and Portland’s Mayor Mavodones […]
New documentary explores life and art of master Marin
From staff reports December 6, 2009 The documentary “John Marin: Let the Paint Be Paint!” premieres Friday. Tickets are available for the Friday premiere of 217 Films’ new documentary about American master John Marin at the Portland Museum of Art. Tickets for “John Marin: Let the Paint Be Paint!” cost $7 and can be purchased […]
Opening Scene: John Marin Documentary
Click on the video clip below or follow this link to YouTube to view the opening cut from 217 Films’ new documentary John Marin: “Let the Paint be Paint!”
Art Knowledge News: John Marin Documentary
Follow this link to read about 217 Films’ new documentary John Marin: “Let the Paint be Paint!”in Art Knowledge News. Art Knowledge News is sponsored by the Art Appreciation Foundation. Part of the Foundation’s mission is to inform and enlighten people about the world of art. With nearly 800,000 subscribers worldwide, Art Knowledge News does […]
New Documentary on Painter John Marin Premieres in December
NOVEMBER 11 — NOTE: Due to popular demand, advance tickets are now available on the Portland Museum of Art’s website at this link.John Marin, ca. 1908. Photographer unknown.Used by permission of the Estate of John Marin.Download pdf of this press release at this link. ASHFORD, CONNECTICUT (Oct. 9, 2009) — 217 Films and independent filmmakers […]
Oct 8: Art Speak and Film Screening “Cleophas and His Own”
Art Speak and Film Screening: Cleophas and His Own When: Thu., Oct. 8, 6:30 p.m. Cleophas and His Own has been adapted into a feature-length film directed by Michael Maglaras and produced by Terri Templeton of 217 Films. Maglaras will also give a lecture at 1pm (hours before the screening) in the Art Gallery of […]