
The work of Michael Maglaras & Terri Templeton

WXXI Public Radio: Interview with Michael Maglaras

Veronica Volk of WXXI Public Radio in Rochester, New York recently interviewed filmmaker Michael Maglaras about two iconic WPA murals just photographed by 217 Films and the Memorial Art Gallery for “Enough to Live On: The Art of the WPA.” Read the full story at this link.

Historic WPA Murals in Rochester, New York Preserved in Photos

Connecticut-based filmmakers Michael Maglaras and Terri Templeton of 217 Films have collaborated with the Memorial Art Gallery at the University of Rochester to photograph and digitize two historic Works Progress Administration murals painted in Rochester by Carl W. Peters. “Life of Action” and “Life of Contemplation,” important works of art from the WPA era, are […]

Shooting Begins for WPA Documentary

Read original story at this link. Film makers visit to shoot documentary   David Harry Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 11:20 am PORTLAND — Bob Reynolds came north to tell a story Monday morning. Michael Maglaras came north to hear it. Photo: David Harry / The Forecaster 217 Films co-owners Terri Templeton and Michael Maglaras on […]

Art is Alive in Richmond, Virginia

Last night, 300 art lovers turned out in Richmond, Virginia for a special James River Film Festival screening of “The Great Confusion:  The 1913 Armory Show” hosted by the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.   The arts are alive and strong in Richmond! We look forward to returning next year to screen “Enough to Live On: The […]

New Film Announcement: “Enough to Live On: The Art of the WPA”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 217 Films CONTACT:  Tami Kennedy  |  207-838-0816 |  [email protected] New film celebrates the upcoming 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Federal Art Project…the story about how artists, actors, and writers helped lift us out of the Great Depression ASHFORD, CONNECTICUT (January 22, 2014) – Connecticut-based independent film makers Michael Maglaras and […]