New documentary film celebrates the 50th anniversary of the U.S. premiere of the groundbreaking BBC television series “Civilisation”
ASHFORD, CONNECTICUT (September 16, 2020) – Connecticut-based independent filmmakers Michael Maglaras and Terri Templeton of 217 Films announce the September 30, 2020 release date of their new film project, “Civilisation and America” – their eighth in 15 years and their seventh “essay in film” – highlighting the impact that Lord Kenneth Clark’s epic thirteen-part television series Civilisation had on America […]
Announcing Free Limited Time National Streaming of “Enough to Live On: The Arts of the WPA”
Originally released in 2015, our film “Enough to Live On: The Arts of the WPA” will be streamed online…free…at THIS LINK from June 24 through July 15, 2020. Why are we doing this? First, 2020 is the 85th anniversary of the establishment of the Works Progress Administration…the “WPA” and, in particular, the WPA Federal Art Project: […]