
The work of Michael Maglaras & Terri Templeton

New at the Morgan Library – Medium as Muse: Woodcuts and the Modern Book


February 21, 2014
Last night we had the great pleasure of attending the opening of Medium as Muse: Woodcuts and the Modern Book at the Morgan Library, now running through May 11, 2014.
Our film O Brother Man: The Art and Life of Lynd Ward” will be shown at the Morgan on March 28 in conjunction with this important exhibition. We were pleased to lend wonderful footage of the master Lynd Ward at work to this exhibition.
Unqualified praise goes to Sheelagh Bevan and the team at the Morgan for a superbly curated and fascinating exhibition that moves the visitor through a tastefully presented history of the woodcut and the art of wood engraving in connection with the art of the book. I say tasteful…but Sheelagh and the team, with this exhibition, prove again that this art form is also the province of both the very talented and the purposely provocative.
In attendance was our friend Robert Dance — without whose comprehensive catalogue of the work of Lynd Ward the world would be a poorer place — as well as the engaging George Walker, who gave Terri and me a wonderful broadside pillorying the Mayor of Toronto. We even caught a few minutes with Art Spiegelman: a man possessing enormous talent and a matching vision.
We at 217 Films urge you to see this exhibition…and see it soon.
– Michael Maglaras

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