
The work of Michael Maglaras & Terri Templeton

Longfellow Big Read – Schedule of Events


Click HERE for a printable schedule of the full calendar of events for the Longfellow Big Read.

We are particularly excited about the Sudbury Savoyard dinner theatre event (March 26), the screening of Thomas Edison’s 1914 film “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” (April 8), and Michael Maglaras’ dramatic reading of “The Song of Hiawatha” (April 18).

Michael Maglaras will also perform “Paul Revere’s Ride” as an encore commemorating the significance of the 18th of April.

You really shouldn’t miss these events!

Follow Longfellow and all the Big Read activities at:
Web: http://longfellow.wayside.org
Facebook: Longfellow Big Read
Twitter: @readlongfellow

Behind the Scenes