View photos at this link. On Sunday, April 18, Michael Maglaras, founder of 217 Records, performed a dramatic reading of excerpts from The Song of Hiawatha at the Longfellow Big Read at the Martha Mary Chapel at Longfellow’s Wayside Inn in Sudbury, Massachusetts. This hour-long reading was performed with a full score of pre-recorded sound effects and music by Native American musicians.
Michael also performed “Paul Revere’s Ride” as a special encore commemorating the significance of the 18th of April. 2010 marks the 150th anniversary of the publishing of this poem.
In 2007, 217 Records released a limited edition 5-CD recording of The Song of Hiawatha to mark the Bicentennial of American master poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Accompanied by a soundtrack of Native American drums, flutes, vocals, and a host of sound effects, Michael Maglaras brings the story of Hiawatha (more than 6,500 lines) to life for a modern audience. Purchase the CD at this link.