Behind the Scenes: “Enough To Live On: The Art of the WPA”
Greta Rybus took these behind the scenes photos of our crew shooting our new film Enough to Live On: The Art of the WPA. Read more about the shoot and this forthcoming film at this link.
Michael Maglaras Remarks on His Work
Watch a behind the scenes interview with filmmaker Michael Maglaras of 217 Films. He talks about what inspires him to create the films he makes, why he selects the topics he does, the creative process and thought behind his work, and his unique personal style of storytelling through “essays in film.”
Can you really make a film about a painter?
Free lecture at Montserrat College of ArtThursday, February 1211:30 a.m. “Can you really make a film about a painter? The making of Visible Silence: Marsden Hartley, Painter and Poet” Presented by filmmaker Michael Maglaras of 217 Films. From research and writing to selecting and shooting images, this lecture gives a behind the scenes look at […]