217 Films Releases “America Rising: The Arts of the Gilded Age”—Brilliantly Conceived
“For the viewer, this film is a tour de force, offering a comprehensive, multi-layered glimpse into many moving parts of an historical period. In a world prone to oversimplification and sound bites, the real story often resides in the details.” ~ Richard Friswell, Artes Magazine Follow this link to read Artes Magazine’s story about 217 Films‘ […]
ARTES Magazine Reviews 217 Films’ New Documentary on the Arts of the WPA
“With the recent release of their sixth and latest essay in film, “Enough to Live On: The Arts of the WPA,” 217 Films has brilliantly captured the tenor of that times, with all of its complexity, controversy and hope. Husband and wife team, Michael Maglaras and Terri Templeton, production company executives, have demonstrated their ability to delve into […]
Modernism and the American Idiom: A Conversation with Film-maker, Michael Maglaras
ARTES MAGAZINE A Fine Arts Magazine: Passionate for Fine Art, Architecture & Design Modernism and the American Idiom: A Conversation with Film-maker, Michael Maglaras September 29, 2014 Richard Friswell Seymour Fogel (1911 – 1984), The Wealth of the Nation, 1938. Mural. Social Security Building, Washington, DC (installed 1942). …I sought out a conversation with Michael […]